design and resources.

Learning design. Creating resources for learning

Design and development of presentations and active learning resorces. Using the latest reasearch about learning to support learning, drive engagement and understanding.

From improving the look and flow of a presentation to creating learning experiences like social learning, serialised quizzes, discussion, worskshops and more. Skilled at working with subject experts to develop effective materials and make technology understandable.

I can work with you on one idea or a whole series of training challenges.

"I love explaining new technology and building understanding."

Exploring materials, smart and modern materials. Blended learning, hands-on and online learning units.
Exploring design and material choices. Online learning module.
Modelling and modelling methods. Supporting materials for a hands-on workshop.
Flipped learning, pre-learning resources for design methods and modelling.
Key terms, standards and processes. Tests and reviews delivered through Teams.
Industrial process and design.