"Conference is going to be very different from anything that has gone before, and it's going to be great fun."
Dave Prescott
It's a great chance to meet up with Brothers and wives from all over the country, without travelling too far yourself. On Thursday 9th May there will be a combined Circle meeting of city of Coventry, Kenilworth and Leamington Spa circles, followed by a dinner for the ladies, providing a chance to make thee visits in one.
The next day there will be a golf tournament at Kenilworth Golf Club, followed by the GBNC AGM at 5pm. Then at 7pm there will be an informal dinner.
Along with the formal events of the weekend, there will be a variety of social engagements, including the traditional conference golf competition, a fun-filled dinner, where you will be mystified by the amazing tricks of local magicians and enjoy music from a local folk group. And this year, there will also be an innovative fun-filled casino evening for all to attend.
Our keynote speaker is once again David Wells, an internationally renowned expert in Catholic education and social teaching, who began his teaching career in 1985 in Ilkeston, Derbyshire. Since then, David has been education advisor for the diocese of Nottingham and director of formation for Plymouth diocese. Currently, he is working as a freelance lecturer developing resources not only on education but, importantly, on how we can better live our faith in an ever-changing society.
David will be returning to share some more reflections and discussion of our faith and how we engage with the world.
Full details regarding the costs of the conference and its associated events, along with the booking forms, have been included in the January edition of Catena. Bookings will open earlier for the event, as we expect demand to be high.
If you are not a Catenian and would like to find out more about us conference may be an ideal time to visit and meet others. If you would like to visit as a guest of Kenilworth Circle contact us